Yoga Tea Session

It's a quiet Sunday Morning in early December. The air is crisp but not yet too cold to get outside. I put the kettle on and start rummaging through my tea shelf. Something sweet and creamy sounds good this morning to pair with a relaxing yoga stretch and meditation. I want a complex flavor to linger between sips as I move through my poses and deep breathing. Opening each tea canister I stop and take an extra long smell of the milk oolong. This one feels right for today.

I hear the hum of the kettle growing louder, letting me know it’s ready. I gather my travel teacup, yoga mat, and head outside to find a peaceful space for my practice.

I spot a nook next to the bamboo garden at my apartment complex. In the summer this space would be filled with the shouts of children playing basket ball behind me but on this cool morning I’m the only one out. I start with a big sip of tea and taste the creaminess of the oolong. I feel the warmth spread from my fingers wrapped around the glass and travel through my mouth to fill my stomach.

As I hold poses, I consider what the tea adds to my yoga practice. I focus on the sensation, the flavor, how it makes me feel. I pause between poses to take another sip, the warmth a sharp contrast to the cool air. As I settle into my final pose, I feel my muscles and mind relaxed from the movement and meditative practice of not only yoga but my cup of tea.


Cooking with Tea


Tea Travel in the Mediterranean