Energy Mate

from $4.00

Mate, the popular South American infusion, is made from a variety of the holly plant. Like green tea, it should be brewed in water between 160-180 °F. This vibrant mate blend includes lemongrass, spearmint, ginkgo, ginseng, nettle, calendula, cornflower, and sunflower petals. Contains caffeine.

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Beyond the Cup

Recipe: Chocolate Pairing

The sweet mint profile of Energy Mate pairs well with dark chocolate flavors. Try sipping this infusion along with a rich brownie or chocolate mousse.

Adventure: Hiking Tea Break

When you reach the summit of your hike, pause to take in your surroundings with a tea session. All you need is a small travel infuser, thermos of hot water and your favorite tea. With each sip notice the flavor profile, the mouth feel and what flavors linger in your mouth. Notice the leaves and flowers around you. The sights and smells of the nature. While so many infusions can enhance this experience, we recommend Energy Mate because of its refreshing sweet mint and lemongrass notes.