Golden Puerh


This puerh tea from Yunnan Province, a region famous for producing puerh, has been made in the shou style (fermented before packing) and aged for 3 years. This tea is great for new and veteran puerh drinkers with its earthy and sweet notes. Contains caffeine.

Amount: 1 oz

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Beyond the Cup

Recipe: Vanilla Ice Cream Pairing

One of the best tea and food pairings has to be a warm earthy puerh with creamy cool vanilla ice cream. The two markedly different flavors blend together seamlessly.

Adventure: Signature Drink for the Holidays

At your next holiday party try serving puerh after a big meal. It is believed to ease digestion and is a fun activity to share with family members who may not know about tea and particularly puerh. Brewing in a gaiwan may make the experience feel a bit more theatrical and allow guests to have a small cup for tasting.